Here are the folks from the Missouri Delegation who won awards at Supreme
Name |
Bethel |
Contest |
Place |
Mary LaTragna | 3 | Short Story (15-17) | 2nd |
Mary LaTragna | 3 | Short Story (18-19) | 2nd |
Mary LaTragna | 3 | Poetry (15-17) | 3rd |
Katie Underwood | 12 | Jazz/Modern Dancing | 1st |
Amanda Goodman | 33 | Signing-Vocal Solo | 1st |
Megan McKee | 43 | Bethel Scrapbook | 1st |
Hike Awards |
Kim Underwood | 12 | Hike Volunteer Award | |
Ashley Underwood | 12 | Hike Volunteer Award | |
Andrea Flanery | 33 | $1000 Level HIKE Award | |
Kelly Goede | 43 | $1000 Level HIKE Award & HIKE Volunteer Award |
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![]() Tara Paris' Birthday Card, signed by those in attendance at her Initiation at Bethel #33 |
![]() Dad Perry shows off his new curls |
Hey everybody, how are you doing? Fine, I hope. Well, even though Supreme Session proper doesn't start for a few days, we are heading up to Kansas City today. There are several preliminary meetings and activities as session, and we are anxious to get started. Only one downer - I am hobbling around on a cane right now. I have some bad knees to begin with, and at our Grand Session, I really injured my right knee. I had been limping around, getting better, and of course you know the old male ego. At the recent Jr. Miss Missouri Reception I decided that I was all the way back and was moving some heavy sound equipment (for those who don't know, I am both a musician and a D.J., so no matter what type of music I play, I move heavy sound equipment) and re-injured my knee. I made it through the evening, but the following Monday I had it checked out and they put me in a brace and on a cane. Okay, enough of my sob story. We are about to get the van loaded. Well, to be truthful, my wife Toni and kids Katie and Kim are about to get the van loaded. Hey, I knew this knee bit would come in handy for something. Anyway, we will soon be hitting the road and heading for Kansas City, Kansas. Yes, I know that most maps have the Kansas City Marriott in Kansas City, Missouri, but since Mom Judy Masters is from Kansas, we have temporarily moved the state line a couple of miles to the right. (Psst, don't let the Governor find out, you know how picky those politicians can be.) Later on this evening I will be heading for Bethel #33's Initiation. Hey, if any Jobie folks are in the area of Bethel #33 this evening (North Kansas City) come on by. It should be a fun evening . . .
. . . We made it to Bethel #33, but unfortunately we were a little late and had to wait until after the Initiation to get in. Still, I was able to play for the closing of the meeting. They had a fantastic crowd there, with several PHQ's, visiting Job's Daughters, Missouri's Grand Guardian Jayne Wills and Associate Grand Guardian Bill Perry, several Supreme Officers 6 Past Supremes, and a Worshipful Master from Queensland, Paul Jorgensen. The young lady who was initiated, Tara Paris, the daughter of Kristie Paris PGG KY, also celebrated her 11th birthday this evening. What a great way to start Supreme Session - an Initiation and a birthday. She and her family were beaming as the meeting came to a close and all of her new Jobie friends and sisters came up to meet and greet her.
Following the Initiation we all went downstairs for refreshments. We had birthday cake, ice cream, and soda (whoops, excuse me, in KC its called pop. Back in Arkansas we called it sodie-pop, but that's another story for another day). Dad Perry received a special new hair-do from Kaarin Hoogstraten, one of Bethel #33's Jobies-To-Bee. You can see it in one of the pictures above. Now I know that those of you who know Dad Perry were wondering how he could have a new hair-do. Even Mom Jayne said, "I didn't know he had enough hair to put that braid in." Well , as you can see above he had more than enough (not a lot more, but more :). After the evening's activities Mom Toni, Kim, and I went to Mom Myrt Williams' house to spend the night while Katie spent the night at Keva Rickett's house. A special thanks to them for putting us up for the evening. Well, that's about it for now. I'll have more tomorrow.
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We got up bright and early at Mom Myrt's house (well, I was up bright and early, the rest of the crew slept in a bit). I was watching television. and apparently came across the Beverly Hillbillies channel as that was on when I went to bed last night, and was on for several hours this morning. Anyway, we headed on downtown to the Marriott to check in and get ready for the rest of the session. I had a Board of Trustees meeting at 1:00 p.m., so the crew dropped me off and then they went to the KCJD Line Club Installation at Bethel #37. They had a great time, and I hope to have some pictures of the Installation posted soon, but for now I have a couple of shots above. Following the Installation they had a "spoons' tournament. For those who don't know, spoons is a game that combines skill, reflexes and silverware and makes for a very exciting and some might say, ruthless game. Everybody had a wonderful time playing.
Meanwhile, following the meeting I was in, we finally got checked into the hotel. Mom Toni had to head home to work for the next couple of days (she will be back on Wednesday). As a matter of fact she just called while I was writing this telling me that she made it home safely. Have a safe trip back up on Wednesday, too. After she left, I went to dinner with some of the wild and crazy ladies from Wyoming (their words, not mine :). We had a fun dinner, and everybody had a good time. While I was at dinner, Kim and Katie went to the movies with a group that included members of Bethel #33, as well as Paul and Heelena Jorgensen of Queensland. They had a wonderful evening, and they are all anxious for the ritual and performing arts competitions that start tomorrow. I'll go ahead and stop here as we have a 6:30 a.m. wake-up call, and we are still a little beat from the trip up here and getting everything moved into the room today. Bye for now
Although Dad's is done, mine isn't. This is Kim and tonight a bunch of us had a blast. My sister, myself, Kristen and Amanda Goodman, Kirsten and Kaarin Hoogstraten, Mandi and Sam Sciara, Andrea Flanery, Tiffany Koontz, all from #33 and Heelena & Paul Jorgenson from Queensland all went to the movies tonight. The gals saw "Legally Blonde" and Mr. Jorgenson saw "Planet of the Apes". He said he it was great flying 3000 miles to see a re-make of a movie he saw 25 years ago. After the movie, the gals went over to Wendy's, I made fun of how Katie walks (see me later and I shall demonstrate) and Heelena had her first Frosty shake and she said that she loved it. We also learned some new words: Cantaloupe is Rock Melon and Fries are Chips. It was a lot of fun meeting new Jobies. Tune in tomorrow for more session notes. Good night for now!
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Hey folks, how are you doing? Well, the day started at 6:30 a.m. when I got up and headed for breakfast. I had a wonderful breakfast with my counterpart, Shirley Bryngleson, and a couple of visitors. Ask me about the visitors and I will tell you a funny story. Then it was time to head for our meeting. That is one of the drawbacks to being in Supreme Line, and that is we spend the majority of the time in meetings instead of being able to mingle with the girls. Anyway our meeting went well, albeit long. At the same time many of the girls were busy scurrying about heading for their competitions. The Missouri Ritual Team had their competition today, and while we do not know the results yet, they did their best and that is fantastic. Several of the other girls had competitions (see the list above), and all of them had fun competing.
In the evening I attended the Masonic Meeting with many of the other gentlemen attending session including Dad Bill Perry, Dad Lon Goede, and Dad Randy Sinley. (Hey Debbie in Australia, Paul was also at the meeting ;). We went over to the Lodge Hall on a bus, and I tell you what folks, getting on and off of those things with only one leg working is a chore. Still, like the Beatles sang, I got by with a little help from my friends. We had dinner before the meeting, and it was prepared by the local Eastern Star chapter and Lodge. Thanks to them for a great meal. Then we went upstairs for the meeting. The Grand Lodge of Kansas opened the meeting, and as always, it is interesting to see the slight differences in the Masonic Work of various jurisdictions. After the opening, Dad Eldon Masters, Mom Judy's husband and the Executive Officer of Kansas DeMolay, took over and we were treated to a DeMolay Degree performed by several DeMolays and Senior DeMolays. The work was very inspiring and well performed. After that they had a special surprise DeMolay Legion of Honor Investiture for Dad Cub Jack. While he know that he had been elected to receive this honor, he had no idea that it was going to be given this evening. Again, the work was well done, and Cub was very moved by the ceremony. Afterwards we all congratulated Cub, and then I hauled myself back into the bus for the trip back to the hotel. Once there I went to a Session Arrangements meeting with some Missouri and Wyoming folk. It was a good meeting, and we got a lot of work done After that I came to the room and that's where I am even as we speak.
While we were at the Masonic Meeting, the rest of the Missouri crew went to dinner. I really do not know any details about that, but Kim might have something to write later. She is asleep right now (that was for Mom :) Actually she is watching a movie starring Harrison Ford (Mom Shirley's favorite actor). Anyway, that's about it for now. Take it easy.
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Hi folks, sorry I didn't do this update sooner, but Tuesday was a busy day with lots of walking, and by the time I got back to the room my knee was throbbing and I just hit the sack. Anyway, on to Tuesday's events. Once again I had an early start with the Board of Trustees meeting. We spent the entire morning in the meeting, and then it was time for our Supreme Officers and Deputies Luncheon. The luncheon was very well attended, and I shared a table with Bill Walker, Vanessa Fowler, Marilyn Olsen, and Shirley Bryngleson. Judy and Cub visited with all of their officers and thanked them for their support for the year. After the luncheon it was back to the Board meeting (are you starting to notice a pattern here).
About 3:00 we walked over to the Municipal Auditorium for Formal Opening Rehearsal. The day was extremely hot and humid, and the walk was down a steep hill. Needles to say, my knee was starting to hurt a bit. The rehearsal didn't do it much good, as we did a lot of walking while practicing our formations for the opening. My daughter Katie was there as she will be my escort for the formal opening, as well as Sabrina Broadaway from Wyoming, who is the Supreme Bethel Outer Guard. We marched dutifully around in circles as the formations was changed several times. Finally we had the formation we were to use, ran through it one more time, and then started on our closing ceremony. This also took a couple of run-throughs until everybody was satisfied. Finally we were ready to leave, and had to rush back to the board meeting (well, rushed in my limping sort of manner). Meanwhile the girls headed over to the HIKE Barbecue, where we were to go following the Board Meeting. We wrapped up around 6:00 p.m., and I was tired, sore, and a bit of a grumpy. I walked back to the room, changed clothes and boarded Mom Judy's van to head over to the Shrine Temple for the HIKE Barbecue
WHAT A PARTY! My spirits improved almost immediately after I arrived at the barbecue. I was with all the Jobies again (no offense to any of the adults from my many meetings, but this being with the kids made me feel better). The barbecue was delicious, and everybody was having a great time. Doc Howe announced the HIKE Volunteer awards, and Missouri had our fair share. Kelly Goede and Kim Underwood were named as winners of the award, and while I was walking up to take their picture, Doc then announced me as one of the recipients of the award. I was stunned. Thank you to whoever nominated me, and thanks to the HIKE Board for selecting me. I am very honored, as I am sure that all of the recipients were honored.
After the awards, a band called 20-20 played some great music for the girls to dance to. Even I got into the act by wiggling a bit and waving my cane in the air. The girls danced the night away, as well as had their pictures taken with the band. Finally the dance drew to a close, and we all boarded the bus and headed back to the hotel.
As I said earlier, I was tired and sore when I got back to the room, so I went immediately to bed, but I was in a wonderful mood thanks to all the great folks at the HIKE Barbecue who helped me forget my sore knee for a while and get me back into the Supreme Session mood. Well, that's about it for now. More later.
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Okay, here we are, the Official First Day of Supreme Session. The day started off with the opening Business Session. This was my first time sitting at the Supreme Officers table, and folks, let me tell you, the view is really different as everybody in the place is looking your way. Well, not my way, more like Mom Judy and Dad Cub's way. Mom Marlene Frakes and Dad Graham Davey were the Hostess and Host, and they introduced Judy and Cub. We got down to business with Judy and Cub's reports. They gave a great synopsis of their year at the top.
About 10:00 I had to leave to go to a Flag Ceremony rehearsal. The rehearsal went very well, with girls from every Jurisdiction participating. Missouri Girls involved were Kim Underwood, who will present the Bethel Flag, Andie Flanery who carried the Missouri Flag and Kendra Wicks who carried Missouri's Bethel Flag. Afterwards I had a rehearsal with Miss International Job's Daughter Carmen Wilson and Miss International Congeniality Irene . I can't tell you what we rehearsed because that would spoil the surprise, but suffice it to say it should be good.
Following the rehearsal, I attended the men's luncheon at stadium club at Kaufman Stadium (where the Kansas City Royals play baseball). The food was great, and the view of the field from the restaurant was fantastic. Following the luncheon it was back to the afternoon business session. During the session we acted on some by-laws changes, as well as listening to some reports and making some introductions.
Following the business session we went back to our rooms, changed clothes, and headed to the Formal Banquet. Judy's daughter and Cub's daughter told some stories about their parents, and then introduced the head table. Then it was chow time. The food was very good (we had Cornish Hen, which is basically a chicken that must have smoked as a chick and never grew very big). After the banquet it was formal opening time.
We got things started by doing our introductory march just right. Hey, we remembered it. Well, maybe not us. Actually I think that our escorts remembered it, and they led us in the right direction. Then the Grand Guardians and Associate Grand Guardians of each jurisdiction were escorted into the room. We all cheered when Mom Wills and Dad Perry appeared. Then the Grand Bethel Honored Queens came into the room. Again, when GBHQ Kim came into view, the Missouri Delegation let out a cheer. When all of that was done, we had the Bible Ceremony and the Flag Ceremony. I played piano for the ceremony while Flags and Bethel Flags from all the jurisdictions were brought in. Then the Flag of each of the 5 countries that comprise the world of Job's Daughters were presented, as well as the Bethel Flag. The ceremony was well done, and all the girls who participated did a great job.
The Opening went very quickly, and included the Necrology Ceremony, which was very moving. Then, about 2 hours after it began the Opening came to a conclusion, and we all went back to the hotel to change clothes and head down to the restaurant for a late night snack.
Well, it is about 1:45 a.m., and the Supreme Bethel Meeting starts at 7:30 a.m., so I'd better get some shut-eye. Bye for now,
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Hey folks, what's up? Today was a long but fun day. We started off with the Supreme Bethel Meeting. They definitely had a full agenda today. They did the Degree of Royal Purple as well as the Majority Ceremony. Among those receiving the Majority Ceremony were Past SBHQ Heather Reardon, Past Miss International Amanda LeBlanc, and Heather Collier, a PHQ from Kansas. The officers did a great job on their work and have every reason to be proud. Later the meeting they had the drawing for Supreme Officers and Representatives. Kelly Faiola, PHQ Ohio was selected as Supreme Bethel Honored Queen. Missouri's own Katie Rodemacher was selected as Supreme Bethel Guide, Heather Lindsey was selected as Supreme Bethel Representative to Nebraska, and Keva Rickett was selected as Installing Page. We were all excited and happy for them.
After the meeting Mom Toni and I attended the Grands and Past Grands Luncheon. It was at the top of the Doubletree restaurant, but luckily for me (I have a fear of heights) the drapes were closed and it was just like being on the ground floor :) The food was great, and we sat with a group from Canada with whom we had a fine visit.
Just before the start of the Supreme Council Business Session started, the Wyoming and Missouri contingents made a presentation about Supreme Session 2004. Everyone was dressed in their WY-MO Shirts, as well as mouse ears. The big cheese himself even made an appearance (see the picture above). A fun time was had by all, and later the council voted to have Supreme Session in Casper, Wyoming from August 4 - 7, 2004. It should be a great time. After the presentation the business session started, and the Line Officers gave their reports. When I gave mine, it seemed to be well received. I'm glad everybody liked it. To read the report, click here.
Following the business session, the WY-MO folks headed to the Abdallah Shrine building in Kansas for the WY-MO dinner. What a great time. The food was really good, and the company excellent. Both groups gave gifts to their contestants for the Miss International pageant, and wished them well in the Pageant. A special thank you to Dad Jeff Kitsmiller for putting the dinner together.
Following the dinner, we drove back to the Municipal Auditorium for the Supreme Bethel Installation. Actually we almost didn't make it back. While driving back, Mom Toni saw a Blazer stopped catawampus on the right shoulder of the road. Suddenly to young men jump out of the vehicle, and hopped over the highway guardrail. The Blazer then rolled backwards into the lanes of traffic. Mom Toni was able to avoid the Blazer by driving around the right side of the car. Mom Brenda Waters just behind us was also able to avoid hitting the driverless vehicle. The Blazer rolled all the way across the highway, crashing into the median divider. Another car wasn't as lucky as we were, and slammed into the Blazer. What a narrow escape. I guess my Supreme Travel Curse has moved into mid-week driving.
Well we finally made it to the Supreme Bethel Installation. Just prior to the ceremony they had the performing arts awards ceremony. The following Missouri girls won awards:
Katie Underwood - First Place Dance
Amanda Goodman - First Place Signing
Meghan McKee - First Place Scrapbook
Way to go girls. After the awards ceremony, the Installation started. The ceremony was very well done. We all cheered for the above mentioned Missouri Girls as they were either installed, or did their job during the ceremony. Following the ceremony, we stopped by the hotel restaurant for some ice cream and chit-chat. After that it was back here for this update, and now it's time for bed. As I said it, been a long day, and tomorrow starts early. Bye for now.
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Hello everybody, how are things going for you? Fine, I hope. Well, Friday here at Supreme Session got underway bright and early with the business meeting. We had a few reports and then it was time for elections. It was a little different for me this year. Last year my knees were knocking as I stood up and aspired to the office of Supreme Outer Guard. Oh, it's not that I'm not nervous this year, but if you remember from my earlier diary entries, only one knee is working right now, so all I had was the sound of one knee knocking, and that's not very loud. Anyway, here are the results of the elections.
Supreme Guardian: Vanessa Fowler, Queensland
Associate Supreme Guardian: Bill Walker, Washington
Vice Supreme Guardian: Susan Mentel, Illinois
Vice Associate Supreme Guardian: Dave Moffitt, Utah
Supreme Guide: Shirley Bryngleson, Wyoming
Supreme Inner Guard: Ashley Underwood, Missouri
Supreme Marshal: Jeannine Hinmen, California
Supreme Outer Guard: Bob Thurman, Oregon
In addition Valerie Cooper of Idaho and Sheila Lardner of Saskatchewan were elected to the Board of Trustees. Later in the meeting we formalized our status as a 501 (C) (3) organization, and our name change to Job's Daughters International. Don't worry about items that have International Order of Job's Daughters on them because we inserted a section of our Rules and Regulations were we are Job's Daughters International also known as the Supreme Council of the International Order of Job's Daughters.
Later in the evening the Miss International Job's Daughter Pageant was held. It was a beautiful evening. Miss Missouri Crystal Rowland represented Missouri in fine form and we are all proud of her. I played piano for a song sung by retiring Miss International Carmen Wilson and retiring Miss Congeniality Irene Birbeck. They did a great job of singing The Long And Winding Road. When it came time for the big announcements, Audrey Edgerton of Idaho was selected as Miss Congeniality and Julie Ramey of Oregon was selected as Miss International. Congratulations to them as they set off on their travels.
Following the pageant, the girls went to a dance held at the top of the Doubletree Hotel. It was a fun-filled evening, and they all had a great time. In the meantime I attended the Supreme Officers Meeting where all of the new officers got to meet each other. In addition to yours truly, Mom Myrt Williams is also going to be a Supreme Officer this year, serving as Supreme Third Messenger. Congratulations to her as well as to all of the officers.
After the meeting we came back to the room for pizza. Toni and Kim were out getting the pizza when a know came at the door. Katie answered it and said it's a man with some pizza. I was a bit confused because we hadn't ordered pizza to be delivered to the room. I went to the door and there was Gary Wilson, Carmen's Dad, with a special delivery of pizza from his room. Thanks Gary, the pizza really hit the spot, and when Toni and Kim got back, we ate even more pizza (and when I got up the next morning, I had some for breakfast. Mmm, cold pizza - the breakfast of champions). Finally, very tired, as well as being very full of pizza, we all hit the sack at the end of a long but fun day.
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Wow, a day to sleep in. I managed to sleep until 10:00 a.m., and boy did I need it. After a week full of walking and climbing stairs, especially with my gimpy knee, I was bushed. I got up, had some cold pizza for breakfast, updated the website, and just generally fiddled around. Mom Toni and Kim got up around noon, and we went to lunch. Katie slept even later, not getting up until 1:00. After lunch, Katie and I went to the Supreme Installation rehearsal. It went pretty well, and hopefully by tonight we will remember which way we are supposed to be headed. Following the rehearsal we went back to the room, where I am writing this now. Mom Myrt Williams and Cabrina Smith are visiting, and the girls are playing cards while we old folks are chatting. Well, I'd better wrap it up here. More later.
Okay, I'm back. Once everyone was dressed we went downstairs for pictures. The photographer was very efficient and we were done in short order. After that we had the Supreme Council Installation. Mom Valerie Cooper was the Installing Officer, Dad John Smith was the Associate Installing Officer, and our own Mom Marlene Frakes was the Installing Marshal. The officers to be installed boogied into the room to Reach For The Stars. Once we were installed, Vanessa gave an outstanding speech, as did Bill. They are going to have a great year. During remarks, everyone kept their speeches short and too the point, and then we boogied out to Get On Your Feet. We came back into the room to greet our jurisdictions, and the Missouri and Wyoming folks all gathered around to congratulate Mom Shirley, Mom Williams, and me. We eventually got back to the room, ordered room service (which we're waiting for right now). Well, there's the knock at the door, so I will say bye for now.
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Hey everybody, today was a travel day which took us home from Kansas City to St. Louis. The entire session was a fantastic time. Congratulations to all who had a hand in the planning and running of the session. I hope you all enjoyed the Supreme Session Diary this year. It has been a blast writing it for you. Special thanks to Kim for her comments in the diary. To all of my family, you have all my love. I could not do this job without your support. I would also like to extend a thank you the great folks of Missouri. As always your love and support keep me going. As I advance in the Supreme Line I continually hope that I am doing all in my power to justify your expectations. Also, to the wonderful people of Wyoming, I thank you for all the hard work and support you are giving Mom Shirley and me. We both appreciate it a lot. To the members of the Supreme Guardian Council, thank you for your confidence in me as you elected me to the position of Supreme Inner Guard. I will do my very best for you. To Judy and Cub, you guys did a fantastic job this year, and have left some big shoes to fill. This year, I know that Vanessa and Bill are going to do their very best to try to fill them. To Susie and Dave, keep up the good work. I thank you for your help and advice. To Jeannine and Bob, welcome to the Supreme Line. You guys will have a blast. Finally, to everyone who has visited this website, thank you - thank you - thank you. Your e-mails and comments really help me try to keep the quality of the site high in order to serve you in the best way possible. Well, that's about it for now. I'll talk to you later.
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