Supreme Session 2003
Not a lot to report today. I basically sat in the Board Meeting all day long. Toni, Kim and Katie took the El downtown and toured the Navy Pier. That is a really neat area of shops, activities, and boat rides in a facility that was originally a station for the US Navy. Kim will now fill you in about that trip:
Hi all. Saturday night, Katie, Mom and I went to downtown Chicago. As dad said, we took the El, which was really cool. Once we got down there, we got some last minute supplies from Walgreen's and went to eat lunch at a deli called "Potbelly" where for about $3.50 you could get any type of 6'' sandwich. Awesome food! After eating, we waited for the trolley to take to Navy Pier. Well, turns out there were about three trolley stops for one trolley so by the time it got to us, it was full. We ended up taking the bus. Not too bad. Once we got to Navy Pier, we walked around looking at all the shops and checking out the boats. They have this huge Ferris Wheel that takes about 7 minutes to go once around. Katie didn't like the idea of the height so it was just mom and I. We did get a picture of all of us in front of the Ferris Wheel. After the ride Mom had Katie and I get a caricature. It's really cool looking. By that time it was time to go back to the hotel so we hopped on the El and made our way back. It was a great time and I suggest that anyone who come to Chicago to take a tour of Navy Pier.
Later that evening I had dinner with Mom Shirley Bryngleson and several others including some friends from Brazil. After that, it was back to the room where Toni, Kim and Katie played a card game (don't ask me which game, I am no expert on any sort of card games). Then it was off to sleep.
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Today was a busy day. We started with a church service conducted by a group that Mom Susan Mentel discovered at an activity in Wisconsin. They did a great job and performed a very moving service.
Then in was on to our Board Meeting. We discussed several topics and hopefully we are making decisions that will be for the good of the Order. You know, sometimes the Board takes some criticism about some of its decisions or the pace at which it proceeds, but there is one thing you do have to say and that is that everyone involved has the best interests of Job's Daughters at heart
Following the Board Meeting, Kim and I went on a tour that took us down to the Navy Pier and onto the Mystic Blue ship for a sea-going (or to be more precise, a Lake Michigan going) tour of the Chicago waterfront. We had a great time. The food was excellent and they had a DJ on board who had the entire ship boogieing until we returned to shore. Even Mom Mentel was out there doing the Duck Dance, the Cha Cha Slide and the YMCA. I will have pictures later (I had a regular camera with me rather than my digital, so I will have to get the film developed before I can post). Toni and Katie meanwhile went on a quest for a white dress. At home we spent so much time looking for the dress that she will wear on Saturday night that we neglected to get her one for the Formal Opening on Wednesday (She will be my escort as well as singing the Lord's Prayer that night). They finally found one and it is very pretty (Like I have a really trained eye when it comes to women's' fashion. Everything looks nice to me :) Anyway, once again we all rendezvoused back at the room and it is time to hit the sack. A lot of Missouri Folks are coming into town tomorrow so I will try to get some of their observations. Also, the competitions start tomorrow so in essence, Supreme really kicks off in earnest. Talk to you later.
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In theory I got to sleep pretty late today as I didn't have to do anything until 10:00 a.m. In actuality I got up around 8:00 a.m. to eat breakfast (a bowl of oatmeal in the room) and shower and shave. At 10:00 a.m. the Board of Trustees left for a tour of the Official Job's Daughters Jeweler, Doc Morgan, Inc. DMI is located in St. Charles, Illinois, which is about an hour south of Chicago. We started out at their headquarters, which is a converted Post Office. The facilities are very nice and the work they do there is really quite impressive. It is amazing to realized just how much work goes into the Jewelry for Job's Daughters. We were shown some of the several parts and materials that go into making certain pieces of jewelry. At one point Mom Shirley Bryngleson had $65,000.00 worth of diamonds in her hands. She was quite happy to give them back and get them out of her hands. We were then shown how a crown is made. It is a painstaking, hand crafted process that takes many hours to produce a single crown. At this facility they also do engraving and laser engraving, as well as shipping all orders.
Following that we went to a park by the river and had lunch. The food was delicious and the company even better. While at the park, our Supreme Guardian Mom Mentel and Mom Valerie Cooper, PSG and President of the Board, took turns on the Slide. They were very graceful and didn't look silly at all as they zipped down the slide . . . Yeah, right :) Take a look at the picture above and you be the judge.
Following lunch, we proceeded to the plant where the jewelry is produced. Again it was very interesting to view a sample piece of jewelry being produced from start (with a simple piece of sterling silver) to a finished product (although it was explained to us that a number of shortcuts were taken in order to fit the process into a single afternoon). We were all presented with gold electro plated pennies as a souvenir of our visit. They were pretty cool.
Following the visit to the plant, we all climbed back on the bus and headed back to the Session Headquarters. Some of us even managed to squeeze a nap in during the trip, although I will never tell who (Mom Shirley, me, maybe a couple of others).
I got back just in time to play piano for Katie's vocal solo competition. She did very well considering how sick she has been. In the meantime, Kim, who had been a competition judge, had one last person to view, and after that it was off to dinner and then to the Formal Opening Rehearsal at 9:00 p.m. Here are some notes from Kim about her day judging:
I'm baaaaack. As dad stated, I was able to be a performing arts judge for the dance portion. It was originally mom, but she had other things to do so I was able to take her place. After waking up at 6:45 am for my "judges meeting" at 7:30 am, things were hitting the ground running. (Our judges meeting consisted of Mom Hauser, SBHQ Lisa's mom, saying, "Go to that room and start judging". Mom Hauser was in high spirits all day.) Things were a little hectic at first, but everything smoothed out within the first hour. I saw about 35 dancers today, everything from modern to variety to three Irish Jigs. One girl had to have her dad meet a friend halfway from Green Bay, WI because she forgot her music. What a dedicated dad!! Everyone did great and congrats to the winners.
We got to the Formal Opening rehearsal a bit early so we could practice Katie's song for the Bible Ceremony, but there was no piano so we just sat and waited for everyone else to arrive. Some of our Missouri Girls were there for the rehearsal, including Amanda Avent, Katie Avent, & Elizabeth Beeney from Bethel #15, Stephanie Crabtree from Bethel #33 as well as Sarrah Hearne and Beth Walker from Bethel #48. The rehearsal took a while to get going, but finally we were all put through our paces. Katie pulled triple duty, subbing for our GBHQ Heather Howard, the Supreme 4th Messenger, our own Liz Taber, as well as serving as my escort. The room was crowded as all of the Supreme Officers and their escorts, Supreme Bethel Officers, The Grand Bethel Honored Queens and Princesses in attendance, Honored Queens and Princesses of the Bethels in attendance, plus their parents and/or guardians, as well as assorted other folks. It made for a cacophonous group and those in charge of running the rehearsal would have to get everyone quiet after one of the assorted breaks in the action. We finally finished up the Rehearsal at 11:00 p.m. At that point, Katie and the group of Illinois Jobies who are involved in the Bible Ceremony managed to find a piano for me to play so we could rehearse a bit. We also will be trying to find some time tomorrow to rehearse again. After that it was back to the room and to the computer to write this.
Before I close I must mention all of our sorrow at the passing of the great Bob Hope. My wife Toni and I had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Hope perform in downtown St. Louis over the 4th of July holiday in the late 1980's. He was performing at the VP Fair (now called Fair St. Louis) on a stage under the Gateway Arch. The Arch grounds were filled with people, and the crowd stretched well up into downtown St. Louis. The audience was estimated at 500,000 people, and Mr. Hope had every single one of them in the palm of his hand. He had us all laughing, and never had to resort to using any blue material. Thanks for the memories Bob, you will be missed by all.
Well, that's about it for now. I am heading for bed just in time to get back up in a couple of hours for the Board Meeting again. Take it easy and we will talk again tomorrow night.
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Hey there everybody. Sorry I am late with this update, but it has been truly hectic. While I was stuck in the Board Meeting during Tuesday morning, all of the girls had their ritual competition. They did a fantastic job and everybody in Missouri can be proud of all of our contestants. I will let Kim tell you more about that a bit later.
For lunch we attended the Supreme Officers, Deputies and Spouses luncheon. This was a very nice meal and was well attended. PSG Delores Johnson was the Mistress of Ceremonies and PSG Marlene Frakes gave the prayer and later conducted a Trivia game where all of the answers were found in the Supreme News Exchange Online. Mom Susan Mentel, Supreme Guardian, gave each Officer and Deputy a lovely clock as a gift to thank them for their service to the Order. That was really nice.
That evening I attended the Masonic Meeting at the Scottish Rite in downtown Chicago while the rest of the crew went to Ed Debeviks, a really cool restaurant in Chicago (More about that later). The Scottish Rite is a really neat old building (one of the few that survived the Chicago fire). We were treated to a prime rib dinner and then were given a tour of the facilities. There are so many nooks and crannys, and they have a library that is out of this world. Following the tour we viewed a 3rd Degree. It is very interesting to see all of the differences in Masonic Ritual work from Jurisdiction to Jurisdiction. You can see where it all comes from the same place, but the various differences make it even more interesting.
Following the meeting we returned to the hotel and I managed to catch the end of the HIKE Laser Dance. Performing Arts Awards were handed out prior to the dance, and from Missouri, Katie Underwood won 3rd Place in Modern Dance. Again, I will let Kim tell you about the awards ceremony and the dance a bit later. That's all for now, see you later.
Hello again. As dad said, we had ritual competition and all of the girls did wonderfully. The girls on the messenger team were: 1st Messenger - Abby Taber #44, 2nd Messenger - Andie Flanery #33, 3rd Messenger - Beth Walker #48, 4th Messenger - Sarrah Hearne #48 and 5th Messenger - Kristi Beal #36. We had other girls in Missouri who did individual parts so good luck to them.
As far as the performing arts award ceremony, I missed them. We were coming back from dinner and were late to the dance. The HIKe dance was a lot of fun. They had the HIKE Hoosgow (Jail) and Dad Beal out me in jail for taking too many pictures. Now I don't know what gave him that idea. Thanks to Mom Paris from Kentucky for bailing me out. Rich Linden was the DJ for the night and was awesome. I hope everyone had fun cause I know that I did.
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Today the work of the Session began in earnest. Mom Toni, Mom Shirley, Dad Ralph and I started our day at the VSG-VASG Breakfast. Here we had breakfast with all of the Grand Guardians and Associate Grand Guardians for the upcoming year. Mom Shirley and I laid out our plans and talked a little bit about our visits to each of the attendees home jurisdictions.
Following breakfast, we started the Business Session. Mom Mentel gave a report of her activities for the year. Wow, it was a great report and really gave people a little taste of what it is like to be the Supreme Guardian and to be traveling all around the world. Dad Dave Moffat, Associate Supreme Guardian then gave his report and it was equally as good. Several more reports were given, and then we got down to brass tacks. The several amendments to our By-Laws were brought onto the floor. I will be giving you a brief rundown of the amendments later (when time allows a more in depth report).
That evening we had the Formal Banquet and Formal Opening. The meal was excellent and again, the company was fantastic. Following the meal the ritual awards were handed out, and Missouri's own Sarrah Hearne of Bethel #48 took first place in the 4th Messenger Section A Competition. Way to go Sarrah. We then headed to the Grand Ballroom for the formal opening.
For those of you who have been to a Supreme Session Formal Opening, you know that they can run very long sometimes. Tonight's opening was pretty long, but it never seemed to drag. There was always something interesting going on. Our Grand Bethel Junior Princess Katie Underwood sang The Lord's Prayer for the Bible Ceremony, and was accompanied by several Illinois Jobies who performed an interpretive dance during the song. It was beautiful. The combination of the dance and the singing brought many people to tears, including the fellow playing the piano for the ceremony (Gee, I wonder who that could be?).
At the end of the evening, the closing formation was performed. The Supreme Officers and their escorts formed a triangle East of the Altar, while the Supreme Bethel Officers, Grand Bethel Honored Queens and Princesses and Bethel Honored Queens and Princesses formed a huge cross west of the altar. Then they all sang Nearer My God To Thee. It was so moving that again, this old fellow was brought to tears. Then the night came to an end, and we all wearily trudged back to the rooms to try to catch a few hours of sleep before our early call tomorrow. That is all for now, I will catch you later.
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Hello there. We had our Wyoming-Missouri Jurisdictional Breakfast this morning and it was a cool event, although it looked like it might not happen for a while. The Breakfast was to begin at 6:30 a.m., but the hotel had it down as being at 8:00 a.m. Tom Sapp, PAGG of Illinois helped the hotel remember when the breakfast was really scheduled for and we were soon sitting down to a fine breakfast.
Mom Toni and the VGG of Wyoming, then made remarks and introduced the dignitaries in the room. Mom Shirley and I made remarks and thanked the two Jurisdictions for all of their support. Then it was off to the Supreme Bethel Meeting.
The Supreme Bethel meeting was helmed by SBHQ Lisa Hauser, and she did a great job. Both the Degree of Royal Purple and the Majority Ceremony were performed and the work was really good. Following that came the moment everyone had been waiting for, the selection of the new Supreme Bethel Officers and Representatives. . This process consists of picking a Jurisdiction Name out of a bucket, and then picking from the members from that Jurisdiction who had registered for a Supreme Bethel Office. Saskatchewan was the first Jurisdiction picked, but no one had registered for SBHQ, so another Juristiction was picked and it was Wyoming. Boy was Mom Shirley overjoyed, and even more so when the name was then picked. Renea Spoonemore of Bethel #39 in Cheyene, Wyoming was selected as the new Supreme Bethel Honored Queen. That is so cool. Not only is she from the same state as Mom Bryngleson, but Shirley was also Renea's Mom's Bethel Guardian. What a small world. Anyway the process continued and Missouri did very well. Nicole Baty of Bethel #15 was selected as Supreme Bethel Representative to California 5 & 6 and April Duing-Davis of Bethel #36 was selected as Supreme Bethel Representative to Oklahoma. Also, Andie Flanery of Bethel #33 was picked as Installing Junior Custodian (They are picked in the same manner as the Officers and Reps). The Supreme Representative to Missouri is Alison Noland from Florida. Congratulations to our new Supreme Honorees. For our Arkansas folks: Shannon Kirkland was selected as Supreme Bethel Librarian, Christie Knapp was selected as Supreme Bethel Representative to Ohio and Hannah Hosent (I apologize for the spelling if I am wrong) was selected as Supreme Bethel Representative to Texas.
Following the meeting, Mom Toni and I went to the Past and Present Grands and Spouses Luncheon. Again the food was really good and the company even better, although I must say that when Dad Bill Perry spilled a glass of ice water on me, it was a bit chilly for a while. I wasn't mad, I was just chilly from the ice water.
Later that evening we all attended the Supreme Bethel Installation. This was a very beautiful event and a very enthusiastic crowd was in attendance. Retiring SBHQ Lisa did an outstanding job as Installing Officer. Mom Shirley and I had the honor of installing Mom Joan Means as Supreme Bethel Guardian and Dad Jeff Kitsmiller as Associate Supreme Bethel Guardian. We know that they will do a great job helping the daughters of the Supreme Bethel. As new SBHQ Renea took over, she was very emotional but also presided in great style. Several presentations were made to the newly retired Lisa, including some from Mom Mentel and Dad Moffit as well as Miss International Amanda Centers. It was a fantastic night and a good time was had by all.
Following the Installation, Mom Shirley and I had a meeting with our Supreme Deputies for the next year. The meeting went very well, and it looks like we have a great team out there to help all of our Job's Daughter world grow and prosper. Following the meeting, I headed down to the room to catch some much needed sleep. That's it for now, see ya soon.
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Hey there everybody, I'm back. This morning started out at 6:00 a.m. at the Missouri Breakfast. It was here that we all wished our Miss Missouri Sasha Rassi good luck in the upcoming Miss International Job's Daughter Pageant. We know that Sasha will represent Missouri in fine form. Also at the breakfast we wished our Grand Bethel Honored Queen Heather Howard a very Happy 22nd Birthday.
Following the Breakfast we headed into the business meeting for the day. The Supreme Elections were held, and the results are as follows:
Office | Name | Jurisdiction |
Supreme Guardian | Shirley Bryngelson | Wyoming |
Associate Supreme Guardian | Ashley H. Underwood | Missouri |
Vice Supreme Guardian | Jeannine Hinman | California |
Vice Associate Supreme Guardian | Robert Thurman | Oregon |
Supreme Guide | Louise Windbiel | British Columbia |
Supreme Inner Guard | Ken E. Smiley | Michigan |
Supreme Marshal | Denise Noonan | Indiana |
Supreme Outer Guard | Tom Sapp | Illinois |
Board of Trustees | Vanessa Fowler | Queensland |
I was very proud when I was elected as Associate Supreme Guardian, and I will do my best to help the Job's Daughters all around the world. Also welcome to the new kids on the block, Denise Noonan of Indiana and Tom Sapp of Illinois. I know that they will do a great job.
Later that evening the Miss International Job's Daughter Pageant was held. The theme for the evening was Mardi Gras, and the auditorium was decked out in colorful decorations. A special parade opened the festivities as beads and play coins were tossed from the those in the parade to the audience. Then retiring Miss International Amanda Centers entered to a standing ovation. The contestants entered one by one and each one gave a brief greeting to the audience. Then the award winners were announced. Janet Wilson of Wyoming and Elizabeth Shepheard of Virginia tied for the Ritual Award, Patience Bell of Maryland won the Written Test and Chrystina Langan of Florida won the Essay Award. At that point Miss International Congeniality was announced, and it was Miss Wyoming, Janet Wilson.
Then the 10 Semi-Finalists were announced and our own Miss Missouri Sasha Rassi was among them. Each finalist was asked a special question and then Amana gave her retiring remarks as Miss International. She did a great job and everybody gave her a standing ovation at the conclusion of her remarks. The came the big announcement, and the new Miss International Job's Daughter is Miss Idaho, Megan Cook. Congratulations to her and good luck as Miss International. To our Miss Missouri Sasha, you did a fantastic job and everyone in the Missouri Job's Daughters Family is very proud of you.
Following the pageant, Mom Toni and I went to a meeting for the new Supreme Officers. It was a great time to get to know each other as we all prepare to embark on our tour of the Wonderful World of Youth. Following the meeting we came back to our room and I sat down to write this.
That's about it for tonight. I have an early meeting tomorrow so I will sign off now. Take it easy.
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Wow, all I can say is Man, what a day! Mom Shirley started out at 8:00 a.m. with a meeting with the new Miss International and New Supreme Bethel Honored Queen. We went over our Calendar with them and talked about travel rules and things like that. It was a very good meeting and Megan and Renae are a couple of very special young ladies.
After that we had our final Board Meeting of the Session. At that meeting we selected our Board Officers, and once again Valerie Cooper, PSG-ID will be the Chairman and Sandy Miller from Virginia will be the Vice-Chairman.
Then it was off to our Alumni Luncheon. It may sound like a broken record, or I guess these days I should say a broken CD . . . Well, now that I think of it again, these days I really guess I should say an MP3 with a glitch in it . . . Anyway, the food was great and the company even better. We all chatted about a multitude of Jobie stuff and had a generally fun time.
Next we had our Installation Rehearsal. The rehearsal went really fast as things were generally pretty well organized, at least for a rehearsal. As some of you probably know, an Installation Rehearsal can sometimes be a living, breathing thing with a mind of its own. This one, however, went smoothly and soon I was back in my hotel room trying to write my address for the evening. I was sitting there at the computer just staring at the screen. There were so many things I wanted to say, but now words failed me. Then I decided to check my e-mail and boom, there it was. I had an e-mail from the MI-Jobs Mailing List, which is a forum of Michigan Jobs Daughters that offers the members an opportunity for expressing their thoughts. I am not really sure who the person was who submitted the e-mail to the list, but it was about Mars being in very close proximity to the earth during the month of August, and how this will be a once in a lifetime event. That e-mail got me to thinking about how every event that takes place in Job's Daughters is a once in a lifetime event. Even if it is an Initiation that takes place, and Initiations are done all the time (not enough, but we are working on that), but for the girl who is joining, that is a very unique, once in a lifetime event that will help shape her would, and could very well determine a great deal about her future life. Thanks to the Michigan e-mail ring for jump-starting my remarks.
Then came the moment that I have been waiting for for the past 3 years. The Supreme Guardian Council Installation. Mom Shirley and I were very thrilled and moved as we were installed as Supreme Guardian and Associate Supreme Guardian respectively . The Installation was so much fun, and I hope that everyone in attendance had as much fun as we did. My escorts were my daughters, Kim and Katie, and Katie sang A Whole New World for me when I was at the altar. The Wyoming Choir sang What A Wonderful World for Mom Shirley when she was at the Altar. Missouri own Mom Toni Underwood as also installed as the Supreme Librarian, and our GBHQ Heather Howard was here escort.
Mom Toni, Dad Schmidt and GBHQ Heather came to the stage on behalf of Missouri Job's Daughters and presented Mom Shirley and I with some very special gifts. We were both presented with Mickey Mouse Aprons, and they will come in handy as we travel around the world. In addition Mom Toni presented me with Mickey Shoes and Hands. If you look at the pictures above, you will see me trying to make a HIKE I Love You hand out of one of the Mickey Hands. These were really cool gifts, but then they really knocked my socks off. The GGC presented me with a check to help with my travels, and then Mom Anna Rhoads, the President of the Past Grands Club presented me with a check from the club also to help with my travels. Thank you so much. These are very special gifts, and words fail to express my appreciation.
I will have a more detailed report on the Installation when I have a chance to really sit down and sort out my thoughts, but for now I will just say thank you to everyone who has had a hand in helping me make it to this point. My words are inadequate to express my deep appreciation and profound feelings regarding everyone's love, care and support. I will only single out my family, Toni, Kim and Katie, for the love I feel for them. They mean so much to me, and without them I simply could not exist.
Following the Installation we had a receiving line where we got a chance to say hello and thank you to those in attendance at the Installation and then it was back to the room. At least it was for me. Some of the Missouri Folks headed to the restaurant to get some ice cream, but I tell you folks, at that moment I was spent. The emotion of the evening, and the simple fact that we had all been running on about 4 to 5 hours of sleep a night for the last 10 days or finally caught up with me, and the tank was empty. I left it all on the stage that evening, but for a musician who used perform nightly for people all around the country, that is the way it should be. I gave my all and now simply went back to the room and went to sleep. Good night everyone. I will talk to you again tomorrow.
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It is Sunday morning and I am getting ready to pack up the computer and head on home, although no one else is up yet. While I slept they all stayed up late, watched the movie Chicago on TV and packed all the bags. That was pretty cool. Anyway, it has been a fantastic Supreme Session. Congratulations to Mom Susie Mentel, Dad Dave Moffitt and all of the Illinois-Utah crew for putting on such a great session. We really appreciate all of your efforts to make this a memorable experience for everyone.
As for me, I am just about out of words. Thanks to everyone for reading these updates and for sending me their e-mails about the diary. I hope that we gave you just a bit of the flavor of the session, and that if you couldn't be here, at least you can get a feel for what was going on. We will probably be making a few more updates of this section over the next few days as we get home and get a chance to collect our thoughts. Thanks to my daughter Kim for helping with the Diary, and I am sure she will be adding some more comments soon. That's about it for now, we'll be seeing you around the Wonderful World of Youth.
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Dad Ashley's Vice Associate Supreme Guardian Report
Top 10 Reasons Why I am back at Supreme Session
10. As a person with a fear of heights, begging for a room on a lower floor
during check-in has prepared me for begging for lower prices as I cruise the
shops on the Miracle Mile in Chicago.
9. Just as seat cushions can be used as floatation devices on airplanes, I have
floatation devices that can be used as seat cushions.
8. Only a 35 minute drive from STL to the outskirts of Chicago, from there to
O’Hare: 6 hours and 23 minutes
7. Watching Delores Johnson and Shirley Terrill pop wheelies on their scooters
as they race down the main runway at O’Hare Airport.
6. Wheelchair races on the 10th floor of the Hyatt Regency Hotel (Explain maybe)
5. Meetings – Meetings – Meetings
4. The illness that made me blind, dizzy and fatigued has been cured by the
medicine that makes me blind, dizzy and fatigued
3. Sleep deprivation brings on wild hallucinations that I weight only 200
pounds, and can dance the Electric Slide all night long
2. In Australia you can dig up wild dingo bones, in Wyoming you can dig up old
dinosaur bones and in Chicago you can dig up Al Capone’s Old Bones
1. TLC – The TLC of Job’s Daughters from around the world through their prayers
and God’s grace, I am back!
And it’s good to be back. Actually this is the first Supreme Session since Idaho
where I am getting around fairly well. In 2001 in Kansas City, I had torn my
knee up and was hobbling around on a cane. Last year, my illness prevented my
traveling to Australia. Luckily throughout that session, my friends in
Australia, both from there and Session guests kept me updated of the goings on.
My wife Toni said I was a pitiful sight as I morosely stared at the computer,
waiting for new messages. Well, we made it through that and finally in September
was installed as VASG in St. Louis and what a thrill it was. When told of the
plan to install me at that time, I envisioned a 5 or 10 minute “raise your hand
and say I do” ceremony. Imagine my surprise when people from all over the
country came in, including our Supreme Guardian, Susie Mentel, our Associate
Supreme Guardian Dave Moffitt and our SBHQ Lisa Hauser. Marlene Frakes put
together a full fledged installation, complete with music, presentations and a
special HIKE presentation to Missouri’s $1000 HIKE Fund Raisers. I was very
moved and thankful to Marlene, as well as my wife, Toni and everyone involved
for making this a special day.
In October we were off to the Windy City for our Supreme Guardian Susie’s reception. It was there, the Friday evening actually, that we learned the true secret of our Masonic Family. It was at Tommy Gunn’s Dinner Theater that we found out that Aunt Susie was in fact the Sacred Guardian of the Job’s Daughters. (Turn to Susie) Susie, your holiness, your mere presence brings light and luster to all within your radient circle. May the helm of your garment never drag in the dust and always be of proper Job’s Daughters length.
Unfortunately the next evening was a bittersweet night.
Amid the festivities of Susie’s Reception, the resignation of our Miss
International Carrie Gonsor was announced. While this was unfortunate, Amanda
Centers stepped in and has done a magnificent job. Also that evening we found
out that our ASG Dave Moffitt had lost his brother. As anyone who has lost a
sibling knows, it is as if you have lost part of yourself. Dave, all of us felt
so badly for you and we mingle our sorrow at your brother’s passing with yours.
As the year continued, I kept active at various Jobie functions, and yes, I know
some object the word Jobie as it is not our real name. Well, if a member of the
Ancient Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine can be a Shriner, then a Job’s
Daughter can be a Jobie. It may take some time for some folks to come around,
but heck, even Coca-Cola finally realized that the word Coke was not derogatory
and actually trademarked it to benefit from its use.
Then in March came the big day. The Board Meeting was to take place in Hendeson, NV and my doctor gave me the great news, “Go ahead & fly and see what happens.” You can imagine the tremendous surge of confidence I received at those encouraging words. Anyway, I got on the airplane, found a seat, the plane took off and immediately my vision went black. I had a feeling of being boxed in. That’s the last time I try to save money by flying in the baggage compartment. Anyway, I made it to Nevada, got my luggage and then on to the hotel. For those of you who remember my report on the last BOT meeting in Omaha, it turns out that I discovered I had the wrong luggage when I opened the suitcase and there were 5 slips inside. Well, you can imagine how I felt this year when I opened my suitcase and right there was, yep, you guessed it, 5 slips. Oh, don’t worry, I didn’t abscond with anyone else’s luggage, I’ve just kind of gotten used to slips.
Throughout the rest of the year I continued working for
the Order. I served as a Judge at the Miss Kansas Job’s Daughter Pageant. In
June I was honored to see my wife installed as Grand Guardian of Missouri and my
daughter Katie elected and installed as Grand Bethel Junior Princess of
Missouri. That pretty much brings us up to date. To all of the line, thank you
for being great friends. To Shirley, get ready cause it’s going to be a wild
ride. To Dave, or should I say, Gabby Hays, Fuzzy St. John, or as one daughter
said, Papa Smurf, you have left some big shoes to fill. Susie, your sacred
guardianess, congratulations on a great year and thank you for letting me be
apart of it. To everyone here as Supreme Session, thank you for your encouraging
words and expressions of confidence. Remember the TLC I spoke of earlier in this
report. Let us all practice a special kind of TLC, the TLC that let’s us Think
Job’s Daughters, Live Job’s Daughters, and Celebrate Job’s Daughters.
Ashley Underwood, Vice Associate Supreme Guardian
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Dad Ashley's Associate Supreme Guardian Installation Address
Thank you very much, with the support of my great Missouri
Job’s Daughters delegation, the rest of the Job’s Daughters world, and the
blessings of God, I accept the position of Associate Supreme Guardian.
As most of you know I was sick a large part of the last year, year and a half,
but I thought I had been doing pretty well lately. But just last week I had some
exhaustive lab tests, and my Doctor said I was doing "fairly well" for my age. I
was little concerned about that comment, and with Bob Hope, who recently passed
away at the age of 100 on my mind, I asked him, "Do you think I'll live to be
He asked, "Well, do you smoke tobacco or drink beer?"
"Oh no," I replied, "I've never done either."
Then he asked, "Do you eat rib-eye steaks, greasy food and Barbecued ribs?
I said, "No, I've heard that grease and "red meat" are very unhealthy so no!"
"Do you spend a lot of time in the sun?" he asked.
"No, I don't," I said.
He said, "Do you gamble, drive fast cars or chase women?"
"No," I said, "I've never done any of those things."
He looked at me and said, "Then why in the heck do you want to live to be 100?"
Well, naturally I said I want to live to be 100 so I can be with all of our
Great Job’s Daughters
I have several people I would like to thank for all of their help and support:
First of all to my family, Toni, Kim and Katie, without whom I could not exist.
My love for you grows stronger everyday. You are my love, my life and my all.
To the Supreme Guardian Council for putting their confidence in me and allowing
me this great opportunity.
To Marlene Frakes, who probably was the first, and Delores Johnson, and Hubert
Haynes, who were among the first to believe that I really could do this job. To
Doc Howe and Bill Dinkmeyer, who encouraged me to continue when told of my
Those I have served in Line with
Judy Masters, Cub Jack
Vanessa Fowler, Bill Walker
Susie Mentel, Dave Moffit
All those following us in line, Jeannine, Bob, Louise, Ken, Denise and Tom, as
well as all of our Supreme Officers. Our Executive Manager, Susan Goolsby.
Our Job’s Daughter mentors who have gone on before us.
Ruth Mary Leavitt, whom some remember as a funny sort of gal, but who had a love
for the order that will never cease
Al Powell, a PAGG of Missouri who answered the call even when sick, and who
worked for Job’s Daughters until the very day he died.
To those who have given me my Masonic Heritage. My Dad, Ashley Keith Underwood,
a member of St. Johns Lodge No. 51 in Algiers, Louisiana. Boy, it sure would be
great to have Job’s Daughters in Cajun Country, don’t ya think. My Mom, Nona
Ruth Underwood, a member of America Chapter, OES in St. Louis, Missouri. We do
have Job’s Daughter in Missouri, but we sure could use a few more of them.
To our Installing Officers and everyone involved in the Installation this
evening, thank you so much for being a part of this very special evening.
I am sure I have forgotten some, but please know that no slight was intended. In
fact, there are so many people that we could be here all night naming them and
still have forgotten somebody. To everyone who has helped in any way, thank you
for all that you have done.
Now, on to other matters. When I went to my room following the rehearsal this
afternoon, I had an e-mail from the Michigan Job’s Daughters e-mail ring. The
planet Mars will be A Spectacular Sight this month. In fact, never again in our
lifetimes will the Red Planet be so spectacular! This month Earth is catching up
with Mars, an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the
two planets in recorded history.
The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to within 34,649,589
miles of the earth and will be (next to the moon) the brightest object in the
night sky.
The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287.
Mars will be easy to spot and will look nearly as large as the full moon to the
naked eye.
So, mark your calendar at to see Mars grow progressively brighter and brighter
throughout the month.
No one alive today will ever see this again.
Now let’s look at Job’s Daughters. Every person, event and activity in Job’s
Daughters is unique and will never happen again. Oh some will say, “Why, I’ve
been active in a Masonic Family organization of one sort or another for 33
years. I served as Associate Bethel Guardian for 14 of the past 18 years. The
other four have been spent in the later years of being in either the Grand or
Supreme Lines. I have Seen it all.” Sound like anybody you know. Well I tell you
it is just a bunch of stuff. No one has seen it all. Just as Mars will be in a
position that no one alive with ever see again, so it is when that little Jobie
to Bee in your Bethel is finally initiated, no matter how many initiations you
have seen before or will see after, you are now watching an event that will
never happen again. That little girl is becoming a Job’s Daughter for the first
and only time in her life, and that is a wonderful event, and one that will
never happen again. The world of Job’s Daughters is filled with such events,
both the same as has gone before, yet unique in and of itself so that it will
never be seen again. We as adults need to remember that when dealing with our
Bethels. Our time with our daughters is short, both in life and in Job’s
Daughters. Sometimes there are events that bring that fact dramatically home to
you. There is no time for fussing or fighting over turf, titles or tenure. We
must make every effort to do what is best for our daughters. If that means
serving as Associate Supreme Guardian, then so be it. If that means serving as a
council helper at a rural Bethel in Missouri or Wyoming or wherever it may be,
then so be it. You do what has to be done. You don’t ask why something needs to
be done, you simply look at whatever results you want and say why not.
Over the past few years we have had a saying in the Wyoming-Missouri
partnership, WY-MO, Why Not. It stems from a boyhood idol of mine, Bobby
Kennedy. Now my own politics are not pertinent to my appreciation of this man.
In fact they are probably somewhat opposite of what his were, but he was a man
who practiced what he preached. He had a saying that went something like this:
Some people see things as they are and say Why
I see things as they could be and say Why Not
History is filled with Why – Why Not choices. When Pearl Harbor was attacked and
President Franklin Roosevelt was faced with a badly crippled Navy and a long war
in the offing, could have said this war is not about us, why should we fight,
but instead he saw a chance to strike a lick or two against the forces of evil
and world domination and said why not
Life is filled with Why-Why not choices. Some folks might look at the expense,
trials and tribulations of raising Children and say why. While others might look
at the joy and fulfillment that children can bring and say why not.
The world of Job’s Daughters is filled with Why-Why Not choices.
This year we have used a why – why not situation as our HIKE motto: Some people
see a child with a hearing impairment and say why
I see a child who can now hear thanks to the HIKE Fund and say Why Not
We face these Why-Why Not choices everyday in Job’s Daughters
Some people see Bethels struggling with membership and say why, I see Bethels
growing and prospering and say Why Not
Some people see arguments among adults on Bethel Councils and say why, I see
councils who put aside petty differences, look at what is best for the girls and
say Why Not.
Some people see girls dressed a bit unusually by their standards and say why, I
see girls dressed unusually by my standards but who are every bit as committed
to Job’s Daughters and as filled with love for the Organization as anyone ever
has been and say Why Not
Some people drag out actuarial tables, point to the day that Job’s Daughters
will cease to exist and say why, I say to heck with the actuarial tables because
I see everyone involved pulling together to ensure that Job’s Daughters will
never cease to exist and say Why Not
You do what needs to be done. Why Not, Why not.
An example of doing what needs to be done occurred one dark night in Pevely,
Missouri a small town in Missouri. A fire started inside the local Monsanto
chemical plant and in a blink it exploded into flames. The alarm went out to the
fire departments from miles around.
When the volunteer firefighters appeared on the scene, the chemical company
president rushed to the fire chief and said, "All of our secret formulas are in
the vault in the center of the plant. They must be saved. I will give $50,000 to
the fire department that brings them out intact."
But the roaring flames held the firefighters off.
Soon more fire departments had to be called in as the situation became
desperate. As the firemen arrived, the president shouted out that the offer was
now $100,000 to the fire department who could bring out the company's secret
From the distance, a lone siren was heard as another fire truck came into sight.
It was the nearby rural township of Festus' (Yes, there really is a town in
Missouri named Festus) volunteer fire company composed entirely of men over the
age of 65. To everyone's amazement, the little run-down fire engine passed all
the newer sleek engines parked outside the plant.....and drove straight into the
middle of the inferno.
Outside the other firemen watched as the old timers jumped off and began to
fight the fire with a performance and effort never seen before. Within a short
time, the old timers had extinguished the fire and saved the secret formulas.
The grateful chemical company president joyfully announced that for such a
superhuman feat he was upping the reward to $200,000, and walked over to
personally thank each of the brave, though elderly, fire fighters.
A local TV news reporter from Channel 5 in St. Louis rushed in after capturing
the event on film and asked, "What are you going to do with all that money?"
"Well," said the 70-year-old fire chief, "the first thing we are going to do is
fix the brakes on that darn truck!"
Hey, Why not Join me is saying Why Not to all of the good things possible in
Job’s Daughters and together we will help to keep this as the Greatest
Organization in the World, and ensure that the many thousands of unique
situations that occur and will never be seen again, will continue to happen from
generation to generation, henceforth and forevermore. Thank you very much.
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