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The Kansas City Job’s Daughters Line Officer’s Club (KCJD Line Club) was organized in October, 1957. Loretta Farmer, PHQ #33 had the idea and her Bethel Guardian, Mom Grace Francis went to Ruth Mary Leavitt, who had just retired as Supreme Guardian, with the idea. Ruth Mary worked with them to get the club started, and Loretta was the first President. Ruth Mary was the first Sponsor, and her husband, Bob, was the first Co-Sponsor. They served until 1967. The members of the group elect their own officers, as well as their adult Sponsor and Co-Sponsor.

KCJD Line is a very active group. They are involved in several charity function, as well as having picnics, dinners, and special functions for the betterment of the members. Each year, the Kansas City Area Bethel Committee sponsors the Thanksgiving Ball. This is a beautiful function at which the Thanksgiving Ball Trio is chosen, consisting of the Thanksgiving Ball Queen, the Thanksgiving Ball Senior Princess, and the Thanksgiving Ball Junior Princess. These girls represent the ideals held high by the members of the Kansas City Job’s Daughters Line Officers’ Club.