Bethel #12 – Saint Louis, MO

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Meets on 1st and 3rd Fridays at 7:30pm

Meridian Masonic Temple
4500 Donovan Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63109‐2653

See what Bethel #12 is up to by visiting their Facebook Page!

Bethel Guardian Council
Bethel Guardian: Susie Heim,
Associate Bethel Guardian: Chris Lindner, PAGG,
Guardian Secretary: Toni Underwood, PSG,
Guardian Treasurer: Kim Underwood, PGG,
Guardian Director of Promotion: Angela Wagner,
Director of Epochs: April Balven,
Director of Music: Ashley Underwood, PASG,
Promoter of Fraternal Relations: Chase Bader,
Promoter of Sociability: Katie Underwood, PGG,

Grand Deputy: Heather Havens,

Bethel #12 of St. Louis was chartered on September 26, 1925. We meet at Meridian Masonic Temple in St. Louis. We originally met at Harmony Masonic Temple until America Temple was opened/built in 1926. That facility was later renamed Craftsmen Masonic Hall. For a brief period in 1966, when America Temple was being remodeled, we met at South End Masonic Temple.  The Bethel moved to Meridian Masonic Lodge in August of 2014.

Bethel Guardians of Bethel #12 have included: Barbara Homan, Daisy Huffengton, Dollie Knoll, Idakatherine Schenk, Oralee Beffa, Sharon Roth, Lynne Stratmann (3 Times), Sandra Applegate, Beverly Knopfel, Kathleen Stringer, Toni Underwood (Twice), Ramona May, Loretta Schmidt Hughes, Eva Pelak, Kim Underwood (Twice), Katie Underwood and Susie Heim. (Please note that not all are PBGs)

Associate Bethel Guardians of Bethel #12 have included: Arthur Miller, Paul Anthes, William E. Punt, Wilbert Schuchmann, Raymond Brand, Ashley Underwood (4 Times), Charles Hegel, Ralph Schmidt, Craig Stratmann, Charles Boehme, C. Pete Duncan, Ron Boelloeni.and Chris Lindner.

Idakatherine Schenk served as the Grand Guardian Council Parliamentarian for many years.

Since it’s inception, Bethel #12 has been blessed with a great group of Honored Queens.  The fun activities they’ve planned over the years have included hay rides, mini-golf, trips to the Muny Opera, mystery trips, dances, volleyball, and kidnap breakfasts. The Post Crispy Critters Yell has been heard at many Grand Session Breakfasts, while the Bethel #12 Spirit Song has been passed down though the years since Lynne Stratmann, Toni Pelak Underwood, and Mary Jane Moxley Kuhn adapted it from a Girl Scout theme.

Fund Raising activities through the years have included candy sales, booster clubs, Roast Beef & Pork Dinners, $2.00-A-Plate Dinners, and Homestyle Breakfasts. These activities not only support the Bethel, but also help the many charities in which the Bethel is involved.

On February 8, 2003, Bethel #3 was merged with Bethel #12.  All those associated with Bethel #12 look fondly upon their past, and with confidence to the future. As the only Bethel still within the St. Louis City Limits, we strive to provide a wholesome environment for our members. The girls are proud to be members of Bethel #12, THE St. Louis Bethel.

Grand Bethel Trio
1955-1956 Marian Bliggenstorfer Richter, PGBHQ
1967-1968 Carol Trautwein Blazicek, PGBHQ
2001-2002 Kim Underwood, PGBHQ
2004-2005 Katie Underwood, PGBSP
2015-2016 Brianna Hall, PGBHQ
2022-2023 Abigail Teska, PGBHQ

Grand Bethel Officers & Representatives
1995-1996 Kim Underwood, Grand Bethel 3rd Messenger
1996-1997 Kim Underwood, Grand Bethel Librarian
1997-1998 Katie Underwood, Grand Bethel Rep to California Region #2
1997-1998 Kim Underwood, Grand Bethel Rep to Washington Region #1
1998-1999 Kim Underwood, Grand Bethel Guide
1998-1999 Karen Giammanco Watson, Grand Bethel Rep to Kansas
1998-1999 Katie Underwood, Grand Bethel Rep to Philippines
2001-2002 Susie Pillow Heim, Grand Bethel Rep to California Region #2
2002-2003 Sarah Pillow Rollins, Grand Bethel Rep to Alaska & Washington
2002-2003 Nicole Gottlieb, Grand Bethel Rep to Brazil Region #1
2002-2003 Katie Underwood, Grand Bethel Rep to Oklahoma & Utah
2003-2004-Katie Underwood, Grand Bethel Junior Princess
2004-2005-Katie Underwood, Grand Bethel Senior Princess
2006-2007 Aaprara Mills, Grand Bethel Treasurer
2006-2007 Mindy Vanover, Grand Bethel Rep to Nevada
2007-2008 Mindy Vanover, Grand Bethel 2nd Messenger
2007-2008 Kesha Nesbit, Grand Bethel Rep to Nevada
2007-2008 Gabby Steffen, Grand Bethel Rep to Wyoming
2008-2009 Mindy Vanover, Grand Bethel Sr. Custodian
2008-2009 Kesha Nesbit, Grand Bethel Rep to Kentucky
2009-2010 Michelle Humphrey, Grand Bethel Chaplain
2009-2010 Brooklyn Childs, Grand Bethel Rep to Illinois
2009-2010 Justina Mitchell, Grand Bethel Rep to Wisconsin Region #2
2010-2011 Jasmine Cowell, Grand Bethel Representative to Brazil Region #6
2010-2011 Justina Mitchell, Grand Bethel Representative to Indiana Region #2
2015-2016 Brittany Hall, Grand Bethel 2nd Messenger
2015-2016 Brooklyn Childs, Grand Bethel Outer Guard
2015-2016 McKenzie Mitchell, Grand Bethel Rep to Alaska, Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Iowa
2016-2017 Brittany Hall, Grand Bethel Musician
2016-2017 Brooklyn Childs, Grand Bethel Sr. Custodian
2016-2017 Kynnedi Childs, Grand Bethel Rep to Oregon
2020-2021 Abigail Teska, Grand Bethel Junior Princess
2020-2021 Brittany Hall, Grand Bethel Third Messenger
2020-2021 Taylor R, Grand Bethel Representative to Brazil Region #7
2020-2021 Alivis S, Grand Bethel Representative to Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota
2021-2022 Abigail Teska, Grand Bethel Senior Princess
2021-2022 Brittany Hall, Grand Bethel Musician
2021-2022 Madeleine T, Grand Bethel Fifth Messenger
2021-2022 Isabella M, Grand Bethel Representative to Brazil Region #6
2022-2023 Savannah, Grand Bethel Representative to Brazil
2022-2023 Gabriella K, Grand Bethel Representative to Minnesota and Wisconsin
2022-2023 Natalie B, Grand Bethel Representative to Ohio and Michigan
2023-2024 Gabriella K, Grand Bethel Chaplain
2023-2024 Madeleine T, Grand Bethel Fourth Messenger
2023-2024 Sydney P, Grand Bethel Representative to Brazil Region 5
2023-2024 Johanna H, Grand Bethel Representative to US Region 7

Grand Bethel of Missouri Queen Bee
2010-2011 Kynnedi Childs
2012-2013 Jewel Childs
2016-2017 Dakotah G
2023-2024 Nora U.

Grand Bethel Guardian Council
1986-1987 Lynne Stratmann, Grand Bethel Guardian
1998-1999 Ramona May, Grand Bethel Guardian (Eligibility from #21)
1999-2000 Loretta Schmidt Hughes, Grand Bethel Advisory Board
2004-2005 Ashley Underwood, Vice Assoc. Grand Bethel Guardian
2011-2012 Toni Underwood, Vice Grand Bethel Guardian
2016-2017 Eva Pelak, Vice Grand Bethel Guaridan
2016-2018 Katie Underwood, Grand Bethel Sec’y/Tres
2019-2020 Kim Underwood, Grand Bethel Guardian
2022-2023 Ashley Underwood, Associate Grand Bethel Guardian
2023-2024 Katie Underwood, Grand Bethel Guardian

Supreme Bethel Officers & Representatives
1981-1982 Judy Wilson Rollins, Supreme Bethel Jr. Custodian
2004-2005 Sarah Pillow Rollins, Supreme Bethel Rep to Ontario
2008-2009 Brianna Hall, Supreme Bethel Rep to California Region #7 & #8 (while with #19)
2012-2013 Brianna Hall, Supreme Bethel Chaplain (while with #47)
2013-2014 Kynnedi Childs, Supreme Bethel Rep to Indiana
2015-2016 Brittany Hall, Supreme Bethel Rep to New Mexico
2016-2017 Brittany Hall, Supreme Bethel Inner Guard

Grand Guardians & Associate Grand Guardians
1933-1934 Paul Anthes
1945-1946 William E. Punt
1950-1951 Dollie Knoll
1957-1958 Idakatherine Schenk
1968-1969 Oralee Beffa
1980-1981 Lynne Stratmann
1993-1994 Ashley Underwood
2003-2004 Toni Underwood
2003-2004 Ralph Schmidt
2005-2006 Phyllis Boehme (Eligibility from #21 & #31)
2011-2012 Kim Underwood
2021-2022 Katie Underwood, GG
2021-2022 Chris Lindner, AGG

Supreme Guardians & Assoc. Supreme Guardians
1976-1977 Idakatherine Schenk, Supreme Guardian
2003-2004 Ashley Underwood, Associate Supreme Guardian
2010-2011 Toni Underwood, Supreme Guardian
2017-2018 Ralph Schmidt, Associate Supreme Guardian

Supreme Officers
1998-1999 Ashley Underwood, Associate Supreme Bethel Guardian
2003-2004 Toni Underwood, Supreme Librarian
2010-2011 Ralph Schmidt, Supreme Junior Custodian
2013-2014 Kim Underwood, Supreme Director of Music
2023-2024 Katie Underwood, Supreme Guide

Miss Missouri Trio
1991-1992 Stephanie Boehme Schonaerts, Miss Missouri Congeniality
2002-2003 Katie Underwood, Miss Missouri Congeniality
2007-2008 Brianna Hall, Jr. Miss Missouri (while with #19)
2012-2013 Brianna Hall, Miss Missouri (while with #47)
2012-2013 Brooklyn Childs, Jr. Miss Missouri
2014-2015 Brittany Hall, Jr. Miss Missouri
2015-2016 Brooklyn Childs, Miss Missouri Congeniality
2021-2022 Madeleine T., Miss Missouri

Miss International Job’s Daughter
2013-2014 Brianna Hall

SLALOC Presidents
1963-1964 Carol Trautwein Balzicek
1969-1970 Debbie Pelant Younce
1973-1974 Berry Brand Landherr
1974-1975 Mary Jane Moxley Kuhn
1977-1978 Judy Wilson Rollins
5/1983 Connie Matushek Johnson
5/1995 Laura Brown Sagger
5/2005 Sarah Pillow Rollins
5/2015 Brooklyn Childs
12/2023 Gabriella K

Sponsors & Co-Sponsors of SLALOC
Unknown date Oralee Beffa
1981-1982 Lynne Stratmann
1990-1991 Ashley Underwood
1997-1998 Toni Underwood
2007-2008 Kim Underwood
2013-2015 Katie Underwood

SLALOC Spirit Trio
1989-1990 Stephanie Boehme Schonaerts, SLALOC Spirit Queen
1995-1996 Kim Underwood, SLALOC Spirit Sr. Princess
1998-1999 Katie Underwood, SLALOC Spirit Queen
2002-2003 Megan Yung, SLALOC Spirit Jr. Princess
2005-2006 Aariel Mills, SLALOC Spirit Jr. Princess
2009-2010 Brooklyn Childs, SLALOC Spirit Sr. Princess
2013-2014 McKenzie Mitchell, SLALOC Spirit Queen
2014-2015 Jewel Childs, SLALOC Spirit Sr. Princess
2022-2023 Natalie W. SLALOC Spirit Sr. Princess
2023-2024 Chloe B. SLALOC Spirit Jr. Princess

Scottish Rite Youth Ball Queen
2001-2002 Katie Underwood
2002-2003 Susie Pillow Heim

Moolah Shrine Youth Ball Queen
1999 Katie Underwood

Grand Master’s Youth Award
1999 Kim Underwood

Cryptic Mason’s Youth Award
2008 Mindy Vanover
2016 Brooklyn Childs

Missouri DeMolay State Sweetheart
2002-2003 Nicole Gottlieb, Assoc. State Sweetheart
2016-2017 Brittany Hall, Assoc. State Sweetheart

2001 Kim Underwood, HIKE Volunteer Award
2001 Ashley Underwood, HIKE Volunteer Award
2002 Kim Underwood, $1000 Club
2004 Toni Underwood, HIKE Volunteer Award
2004-2005 Katie Underwood, $1000 Club
2005 Katie Underwood, HIKE Volunteer Award
2006 Phyllis Boehme, HIKE Volunteer Award
2007-2018 Brooklyn Childs, $1000 Club (1st Jobie-2-Bee ’07)
2021-2022 Abigail Teska $1000 Club
2021-2022 Gabriella K, $1000 Club
2021-2022 Nora U (Jobie-2-Bee) $1000 Club
2022-2023 Gabriella K, $1000 Club
2022-2023 Nora U (Jobie-2-Bee) $1000 Club